Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Alice Cooper talks about his Christian Faith.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Alice Cooper talks about his Christian Faith.

WELL THIS REALLY WAS A SURPRISE TO ME! What a great interview with Alice cooper for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I've watched Alice Cooper in interview a few times when he hasn't mentioned anything about a faith, and I've always thought he seemed like such a sound, decent character, so much at odds with his lifestyle choices, or so I thought. 

I don't find this interview fascinating just because this man is a Christian, but it speaks to me that as a musician he feels he is playing a role, and taking on a persona much as an actor might do in a film. As a Christian involved in the creative arts I find that a very liberating concept.

I'm mulling the hypocrisy I find myself forced to confront when for example, I wholeheartedly enjoy a movie which I might really struggle with appearing in myself.

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