Are you tired of the daily grind? Don't want to earn an honest crust doing proper work anymore? Think the world owes you a living? YOU CAN!
Just look at these pictures of piles of money and fast cars. Do you want to have bikini ladies like this too? With our new secret express market cash-wad internet trawler, IT DOES! And you can have men too if you are a lady. (Refer to 'Bikini body in 2 weeks' link if you are morbidly obese)
With our tried and tested system of sending out never ending spam, you too could spend your days forwarding e-mails JUST LIKE THIS ONE! FOR REAL!
And the more people you get, YES!
Sandra, a single mum from Brighton says: 'I really couldn't be bothered with any actual work, there's Jeremy Kyle, Bargain hunt, and so much more! I like to arrange my sofa so I can be on facebook, text, watch Jezza and still have a free hand for my Lambrini. With this amazing new scheme, and benefits, WATCH IT GROW!
Bill from Wigan spams all day everyday, promising the same rubbish he was promised. Bill is unable to deliver but still hopes that if he scoops up enough suckers like himself he'll be able to bleed time from their lives to see some of the benefits he was promised in the email he is now sending out. WEALTH!
You too can't earn any money! Are you sick and tired of all the endless internet get-rich quick schemes promising you piles of cash for no effort? This one is just the same in every way! SEX!
Join now, and in three short months you could be seeing credits of up to 17p per month APPEARING in your account.
There's no need to be productive, there's no need to use your God given talents and work hard to produce something of value that the world needs! Just spend your life scrapping with the millions of other bottom feeders for the crumbs dropped from the tables of the people who have actually earned some money.
We don't blame you for being a bit dense, in fact we BANK on it! BOOBIES.
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