Had such a lovely piece of feedback from a UCB viewer yesterday. She had e-mailed UCB to say thank you for a piece of software they provide, and ended up explaining how useful and supportive the children's TV was to her five year old son. UCB asked her 'What are your son's favourite UCB shows? And below is her reply. What is particularly valuable and encouraging for me about this feedback is that it is made in the context of the world's most popular and successful Christian kids' TV shows. She said:
"Stevie loves Jovis Bon-Hovis. That's his favourite. Stevie loves the one with 'Buck Denver' and those programmes with the flying balloon with the monkey and 2 brothers in it. He and I found 'What's in the Bible' good with the 'Sunday School Lady' very informative at same time as fun. Not sure without checking if these are ucb but my son likes 'Veggie Tales' and 'Super Book' as well. His ultimate favourite is Jovis Bon-Hovis as funny. Each bit is short so keeps him interested. He loves the silly side but important bits to learn ie the main theme. Stevie likes the fact that Jovis often makes mistakes and doesn't do it right and then Booky Worm tells a story and conviction hits him. Or cinviction comes via the mouse. This helps as he sees conviction as helpful and how easy wrong feelings get us in a pickle. Also if this man makes mistakes and learns by them then its a helpful thing to learn by mistakes rather than a condemning and judgmental thing. Its a tool to help spiritual growth. It reminds my son and I of Pinocchio. He needed a conscience to be his guide, we have the holy spirit. Stevie likes God rocks. We love music and traditional musicals in general. This is why Stevie likes God rock's as it's music orientated with a Christian message. I hope this has of use. Sharon."
Nailed it!