Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: November 2015

Monday, 23 November 2015

Jovis Bon-Hovis season 3 air dates and how to view

We are delighted to announce that we have air dates for the shiny new season of Jovis Bon-Hovis!  With all new sets and characters, season 3 promises to be a real step forward in Christian kids entertainment.

You may notice we have dropped 'and the Creation Crew' from the title.  Don't worry!  All your favourite characters are still here, we just thought it was a bit of a mouthful and we wanted to differentiate between the new and old seasons.

So, if you're ready for a big barrel of laughs (and Monkeys!) then here's when and how to watch:

How can I watch UCB TV?
You can watch UCB TV live through UCB Player on your computer or mobile devices, or through TV Player on Freeview HD and other devices. You can do that easily by just clicking right here for the live stream:  
If you want to watch it on your TV and you have a smart there are a few ways you can watch, check here to see how:
And now the important bit: the air times!!!!
Starting from December 2nd 2015 with the Christmas episode, you can watch every week.
Monday at 4.30
Wednesday at 8am
Thursday at 4pm
Friday at 7.30pm
Saturday at 8.30am.
Prime kids' viewing times they are indeed!
The first week will be the Christmas episode, and then there will be a new episode each week until the Christmas episode is repeated again at Christmas. After Christmas we will start the cycle again, so you'll see the first couple repeated and then going into all new episodes up until the Easter special.  So there are a total of 14 new episodes on the way!
Here's a little treat for you, an episode from season 2 never before given away on-demand.  Mr Bon-Hovis is struggling with jealousy!  And it's very very funny.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Matthew chapter 9 video Bible reading for study groups

Here we are folks, Matthew chapter 9.  I hope you enjoy reading along with me or just listening, don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for loads more original and unique Christian videos and songs.

This is a video of me, Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson reading chapter 9 of the Gospel of Matthew from the New International Version. It's ideal for just listening along and I throw in a few thoughts and questions at the end which might be helpful for study or conversation starters!  Join the conversation and 'like' our Facebook page at .


Friday, 6 November 2015

Illustrators wanted for children's TV show

Would you enjoy helping us out?  We need your help!

This is an unpaid opportunity, UCB are a Christian charity and I am currently involved in a co-production with them on our third season of kids' TV, it's a show called 'Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew'.  Previous seasons air in numerous countries including on KICC in the UK, The Dove in the USA, in Australia, New Zealand, across Scandinavia, the Philippines and India, as well as on Satellite across North, South and Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.

Contact Joe at

Phew!  There you go, so the show gets seen and season 3 is going to be MUCH bigger.  In each episode, there is a story time featuring a short story of about 3 minutes or so, during which six illustrations appear on screen.

Until now, I have personally been illustrating each story, but in consideration of the steps forward we've made with season 3 including all new sets and characters, I would dearly love to see more variety in the illustrations.  Truth be told, I'm not that great!

I really need a few helpful souls to jump on board and take one or two episodes each, and produce six big, bold colourful illustrations for them.

You would have a great deal of creative freedom, you can choose how to go about it, which medium, how to create the characters, which parts to illustrate etc.  And of course your name would appear in the credits of the show as illustrator!

I know 'exposure' is not a fair reason to do this.  I'm just asking for your help, what we do is a good thing, a quality, entertaining show for kids which teaches good wholesome Christian values.  We don't do it for the money, we do it because it's the right thing to do.

However being a published illustrator for TV does look good on the CV!

Below is an example of one of our earlier episodes of the show, bear in mind the new show has all new sets since then (picture below)!  Also, you can see an example of the kind of work I've been doing.  If you can work to this standard (which I'm sure a gibbon with a Biro probably could!), I would dearly love and appreciate your help. We need these illustrations complete by Nov 20th at the latest, however as you can see we are aiming the show at 3-7yrs so we're not looking for time-consuming intricately detailed work, just fun, bold, bright images which fit the story.


Below is an episode from season 2 with the old cut-out sets:

Here is an example of the kind of simple, bright illustrations I have produced so far:

If would would enjoy helping out, please send some examples of your work or a link to Joe at

Thanks so much for your support!

God's Not Dead 2 Christian movie sequel

God's Not Dead 2 trailer and review.

After the massive success of the critically acclaimed and critically panned God's Not Dead (mostly determined by which faith camp the reviewer stood in), comes a sequel sure to generate as much clatter in the Twittersphere, the unimaginatively named God's Not Dead 2.

Have a first look at the trailer below and let us know what you think!  And of course don't forget to subscribe to our channel while you're at it.

What we gather from this trailer is that the film explores the issues surrounding sharing faith and the message of Jesus in the public school system, by following the journey of an unfortunate Christian teacher who shared Jesus' words in the classroom as a response to a student's question.

The writers have taken it upon themselves to stretch this seed of a story to its ultimate end in the high court, where the burden of proof appears to lie with the defendant to prove that God is not dead.

It appears, perhaps wisely, to shy away from some of the more contentious issues which divide both the church and the secular world such as gay marriage and abortion, and instead focusses on the bigger picture.  The key question in God's Not Dead 2 is not so much whether God is alive, but instead to what extent Christians should be free declare their faith in Him publicly and whether or not the teachings of Jesus have value and relevance in a state funded education system.

I'm very much looking forward to the film, I find the debate fascinating and even as a Christian myself I keep and open mind as to whether the state should pay for children to be taught what is right to believe.  What interests me is where that line should be, since every school in every part of the world decides what children are taught, what is right to believe and what isn't, so, what criteria should be met for something to be considered worth teaching?