Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: December 2015

Monday, 14 December 2015

Christian children's television online free

Further down this page you can find free, totally free Christian TV for kids.

Media is changing, we can all see that.  Maybe it's not so obvious to the very young, the very people who will be watching out wonderful new Christian kids' TV show Jovis Bon-Hovis, (formerly Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew) but to anybody over ten it's clear it's changing rapidly.

Until very recently there hasn't been much in the way of truly free Christian content, even less Christian children's content. With terrestrial TV in the UK, even if we wanted to watch ITV, channel 4 or 5, we still had to pay a license fee.  If we use 'freeview', we still have to pay a license fee for the BBC's content.

Now for those of us who get internet bundled with our phone and TV subscription, we might finally be able to say that watching Christian kids' shows like Jovis Bon-Hovis is truly free for the first time.

Earlier this year, UCB, who partner with us to produce our show, removed themselves from SKY altogether, moving to an entirely online streaming format.  Since that happened I have had more people come to me and say they have discovered UCB than previously when they were on SKY! Now you can watch UCB, with all it's wonderful content (including Jovis Bon-Hovis of course) on any number of devices from your XBox or Playstation, mobile phone, tablet, PC, Apple TV, smart TV, Freeview HD, Chromecast...the list goes on!

So why not join the fun with Jovis Bon-Hovis and his pals the Creation Crew?  The show encourages children that a relationship with God belongs to them, it's relevant and interesting to them in the context of a normal child's experience.  Covering topics children relate to like bullying, kindness, stealing, friendship, Christmas and so much more, Jovis always uses the good advice of his friends and of course the Bible to discover the right way to solve his problems with Jesus' guidance.

Kids just love Jovis Bon-Hovis, and season 3, which is airing now, has all-new sets as well as some brand new friends in the garden! With a new episode each week, you can watch Jovis at these times:

Monday at 4.30
Wednesday at 8am
Thursday at 4pm
Friday at 7.30pm
Saturday at 8.30am.
Visit UCB on the link HERE and watch TV live!