Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Christian kids TV production

Monday 24 June 2013

Christian kids TV production

Producing a Christian Kids TV show on a tight budget.
All work and no chuckling makes Jovis a dull boy!24.06.2013 Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew Christian kids" TV show production diary.
How do we know if we're getting a script right for the show? There are a number of things we're trying to achieve; we want the show to be edifying, we want it to encourage children to engage with the faith on a personal level and on their own terms in a way they can relate to, we want to tackle issues which 3-7 year olds are going to find relevant to them in their everyday lives. We want to offer a viable alternative to secular television which the children themselves will choose into.

And we want it to be funny!

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And a good measure surely has to be whether or not it's making me laugh as I write. If I don't find it funny, how can I possibly expect anybody else to?

I must admit, I have an awful lot of fun writing for the show. Most of the actual 'writing" time isn't spend actually typing words on a keyboard, it's spent staring into space, getting distracted, snapping back into 'Creation Crew" mode and drifting back out again. The most successful writing times are when I'm almost dreaming; I'm in the house with the characters watching a scenario play out in my head, then I can rewind it, play it out again, tweak and adjust, and when it's right I just know. I'll often say out loud 'YES!" and quickly start writing. And that may only be a paragraph or two, and then I have to stop typing, and drift off again!

I should also point out that the whole process is covered by a lot of prayer, and it has been since the beginning. We pray daily for the show and its success generally, we pray morning and evening for the specific area we are working on, and on a more intimate level I pray privately as I am working for God to lead me in what to share with the children and what I should open up to them in any given show.
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The Lord is very faithful in his walk with us on this programme.

On Friday I had quite a block, I found that I was drawing a blank everywhere I looked. From quiet thinking time, aimlessly drifting through facebook time, re-reading old scripts and visualising was all coming to nothing. But when I lifted this up to the Lord my mind brightened and cheerful, relevant and funny ideas began blossoming in my mind. That has now become part of episode four and will be appearing on your screen soon!

I hope you're enjoying my insights into this production, I have begun this diary quite early in the process so I will be posting on the whole journey from filming to song writing to editing and launch!

In the meantime enjoy this sweet picture of Charlie, who you will have seen guest appearing in the show on the VTs. Just a little puppy here, we can be pretty certain he was asleep!

Christian kids TV
God bless you all. x

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