Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Making a new Christian worship music video 2012

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Making a new Christian worship music video 2012

Well now that's fun!

For the last couple of days I've been taking my camera with me out into the fields when I walk the doggies.

And while I don't claim that my solo work is really up to professional standard, I'm getting results which are a massive improvement on what I attempted two years ago.  Hopefully what I'm producing is simply an improvement on a blank screen! Be nice now...

One of the key things that I've learned about making a Christian worship music video for Youtube is a simple trick that applies to any music style really, which is simply to take three separate videos of the main performer (in this case little old me) singing the song all the way through either in different locations and/or using different shots like close-up, medium and long shot etc.  Then afterwards in the edit you can simply switch between the three and there you have it, a very basic music video.

What you're essentially doing here is recreating the multi-camera shoot on a budget with one camera, which is effective especially if you're shooting the video all in the same location.

Editing can be quite tricky since you'll have three lots of film to spool through (showing my age there, obviously I'm using a full HD digital camcorder...) as opposed to one if you were switching live between three cameras all taking a different shot and just recording one video.

I know I'm not being overly detailed here, if anybody has any questions please do feel free to ask!

OK, now something very simple and cool which I figured out myself, when I made the Christian Worship video for the my song 'GLORIOUS' from my current album 'Stars Like Needles' (BUY IT HERE)

Have a watch and you'll see there are one or two places where the lipsync just doesn't fit!  YIKES!

This happened because I was trying to lipsync an entire Christian worship song in time from memory.  Not bad considering...

I wasn't exactly sure what to do about this, I didn't want to be wearing headphones on camera and I didn't want to lug a portable cd player or a laptop round with me to help me sing along, just another thing to carry. The answer was so simple, just pop my mobile phone in my top pocket, problem solved!  So that's what I've tried this morning, and it was so cool!  I was just able to enjoy singing along in time to the music and the lipsync will be much better!

I use Windows Movie Maker to edit at home, I know I know, but it's all about budget!  There a so many restrictions, but it is better than it used to be.  Of course, you can't see the audio track as a wav file, so lipsync is made tricky right there, I have to fiddle about cropping a tittle here and a jot there, ctrl/z undo undo!  Trial and error until it's right.  But it does work.

Keep an eye on the blog, the new video will be finished in a couple of days and I'll be sure to put it on here.  It is a Christian worship song, but it woks quite well as a metaphor for any loving relationship.  It's called Victorious and it's an original Christian worship composition by me, Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson.  Keep and eye out!

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