Dear friends and Church family,
Your support is needed!
As many of you will know, for the past year or so UCB Media and myself have been in production of a children's TV show which I have written and created, and which I also perform in.
It has been a remarkable journey, and has seen us amazed by God's blessing like never before, and something which would have seemed impossible a couple of years ago has become a reality.
You may know that UCB is a charity, and this is a very low budget production. Hence there is minimal budget for advertising, and I need my friends and church family to help spread the word.
For those of you who don't understand what it is I have tried to do, please allow me this opportunity to explain briefly.
A couple of years ago, I found myself especially moved by the parable of the ten talents. If you're not familiar with it, it's a story in which Jesus describes three servants who have been entrusted with an amount of money (talents) by their master. One servant is so afraid of failure, that he does nothing with the money at all, where the other servants invest the money successfully and put it to good use. The money of course is a metaphor for the skills and gifts the God gives us to work with during our lifetimes.
I realised that I was the 'wicked' servant, who had allowed my talents to go to waste. And so I needed to invest those special gifts that God had entrusted me with. Without going into minute detail, I felt that at this point my talents added up to the production of media for children.
I was, as a father, especially moved by the quantity of poor quality media that modern children are fed in terms of the message of love, of goodness, the value of prayer and a relationship with God, sound doctrine and the planting of good spiritual seeds, seeds which might produce worthwhile fruit in later life if nurtured.
I remembered the power that television had in my young life and how it's most positive aspects stick with me to this day; I still get a warm fuzzy feeling when I think about Huckleberry Finn.
Perhaps there was a way, I thought, that I could minister such goodness to children like this? Perhaps there was a way that I could touch young lives by bringing God into an environment of fun, adventure, comedy and colour, and teaching children that having a friendship with God is just a normal part of everyday life.
As an adult I can look back at my childhood, when I didn't know God in the way I do today, and I can see him at work, and I can remember him touching my life. This show may be seen by thousands of children, possibly tens of thousands of children, who may just grow up remembering how God loved them even when they were little.
If any children in the world, where this might be seen, in the UK, the Philipines, Australia or New Zealand can look back and smile, and say in their hearts 'Jesus loved me then...' then it's all been worthwhile. And that's why I need you to share everyone, this is important. It's not just about me and my pet project...yes it's my career and I'm sure God loves me and wants me to do well, but this is about serving children and serving the Lord, so let us all do it with Glad hearts, think of Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew as youth outreach because it most certainly is that.
Please share about it with your friends, your family, your facebook, your e-mail address book. Share this link to the website , tell everyone about this exciting, brand new British Christian kids' TV show! Please share the viewing schedule as below, and watch yourselves!
The first airing will be Thursday 1st November at 7:30am and then Saturday 3rd at 7am
The normal airtime's will be Tuesday at 7:30am and 4pm
Thursday at 7:30am
Friday at 4pm
Saturday at 7am
It's on Sky channel 585, but if you don't have sky don't worry, you can watch live TV online at
God bless you all, and don't hide your light under a bushel!