Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Making a Christian music video very quickly

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Making a Christian music video very quickly


As of today it is eight days until our new show, Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew goes to air, and I realised on Monday that one of the 13 music videos hadn't been shot!  Goodness only knows how something like that could slip through the net, we've counted every illustration, every song, every publicity photograph, and yet somehow a full music video has escaped us!

Alright, I hold my hands up, it escaped ME!  So I went out with the camera yesterday, just me and Stripy Monkey.  I took on board everything that the experts at UCB had taught me while we were making the music videos together for the other songs, and tried to put it in to play.  The song I was working on is a funny Christian song called 'Creepin', it's not particularly preachy, it's just me as Mr Bon-Hovis singing to the camera and sneaking about looking downright dodgy to reflect what happened in the related episode, during which Mr Bon-Hovis was, as you might expect, Creepin'!

I filmed myself in several locations singing the song all the way through, and then for interest I filmed several cutaways of things like me sneaking out from behind a tree, tiptoeing past windows and being generally suspicious, as well as some close ups and shots of monkey reading the Bible and the like.

Hopefully, when these are chopped together they will look something like a music video!  I'm sure they will, it's a catchy song; my kids are already singing it! And I just need to make sure that the visual are snappy, funny and interesting which I think they will be.

Make sure you look out for it on the show!

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