Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Blind man's bluff game for kids with a Christian twist.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Blind man's bluff game for kids with a Christian twist.

Blind Man’s Bluff.

Let's enjoy some very old fashioned fun today. This is one for a group of five or more really.

Before playing this classic game, explain to the children that if we don’t understand what’s good and what’s bad to look at, it’s like being blind!  We won’t know what we’re doing and we might end up very confused!

The rules are quite simple, select a child from the group to be ‘IT’ first, they then wear the blindfold. The blindfolded player must try to capture the others one by one.  The other children must get as close as possible to ‘IT’ without being grabbed.

As soon as one of the children is touched, they must stop and allow the blindfolded child to touch them and try and work out who they are.  If it’s too hard, clues can be given by the other players.

When ‘IT’ has guessed correctly, they sit out and let the captured player be blindfolded. The game continues until everyone is out!

*TOP TIP* If it’s too hard for the blindfolded player to catch anyone, have the other players whistle, to give a hint where they may be!

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