Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: UK Children's television production

Friday, 28 June 2013

UK Children's television production

Another day, another Dormouse, as my uncle used to say.

Prizes for anybody who can let us know what that means!

Here we are now, counting down the days until we are back in front of the cameras, in the studio shooting season two of our fantastic new Christian kids TV show Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew!
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Filming in the studio begins August 12th, for two whole weeks.  That's pretty awesome, and I must say I am SO looking forward to it!  That's only six weeks away!

The ideas are coming thick and fast, we really want season two to be pacey, eye catching and engaging so I'm having to be quite inventive  to create over five hours of material which will play out in a relatively small space with not a huge amount of props.

Scripting episode 5 is underway! There has been planning done previously as I may have mentioned, we aren't doing the complete script from concept to completion with just six weeks to go, but most of it!  They are likely to be completed two weeks before filming, leaving us time to lest them rest for a couple of weeks before re-visiting and proofing with a fresh 'eye'.
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The theme for episode 5 is jealousy.  Don't you ever find it hard to be pleased for somebody because of their good fortune, especially if it's something you dearly wanted for yourself? Perhaps not, perhaps you are far more holy than that, but Mr Bon-Hovis sure isn't!  He's got a bit of work to do on that area!

Have a look at this lovely picture of our Creation Crew dog Charlie giving Flossie (short for Felicity) a little doggie kiss!
Christian kids TV dog

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