Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: March 2014

Monday, 31 March 2014

New kids song

Hello brand new day!  A busy weekend for the girls recording voices for our new song, but I must admit little Bella wasn't exactly overjoyed with the project.  She managed a line or two before playing outside and the desire for ice-cream got the better of her!  So most of the vocals will be Betsy and me singing together, with a little Bella cameo.  Coming soon

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Support Gospel Mission

We are in the process of increasing production in order to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ more visible on Youtube for children and adults around the world.  Could you support mission work like this?  Perhaps you struggle to share the Word, or can't get out on the streets yourself.

But it's important that you take part in the great commission, perhaps you could consider partnering with us in our ministry, by supporting us in producing more Christian videos.  Please click here to see how you can support us:

Friday, 21 March 2014

Support Christian Mission

What we do is important,

and we need your help.

We are on the way to becoming the premier Christian Youtube channel, and we are ministering to adults and children in hard-to-reach places around the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.

ministry support

We differ from tradition satellite/network television because Youtube video searches respond to real questions that people are actually asking, giving answers to people seeking God all over the world, including your country.

The great commission, to preach the Gospel to the nations is an essential part of our Christian walk, but not everybody is in a position to take on missionary work, produce Christian media or get out on to the streets.

Christian kids TV dog

That's why it's essential that you support the mission work of those on the ground if you are able.

Can you commit a part of your income to people like ourselves who are reaching out and spreading the Word across the globe?

We are not a charity but a small family group with a few volunteer helpers. This means that all the work we do is funded by money from our own pockets, and we need your help. We make all our videos available FOR FREE (of course), so we need the support of other Christians who can get behind what we are doing and empower us to continue and to grow.

Love of Jesus

We are on a journey of faith, and we are increasing production volume and quality as we go, but we can't afford to do it alone. We need partners and sponsors like you.

We are going into production of a number of new projects including creating videos such as 'Who is Jesus?', 'What is the Gospel?" and 'What is the Bible all About?" These key questions have the power to transform lives when answered faithfully and properly by those given the mission.

All of these videos will be completely free online, and available for viewing anywhere there is an internet connection.


Up until now our productions have been made on a shoestring budget and with lots of prayer, but now the Lord is leading us into greater things. In order to reach out with the message, we need to reach out to you.

Please help us continue to make these worthwhile videos which are blessing adults and children around the world.

As a small family group we need your help for the everyday practicalities such as fuel, bills and rent, as well as the technical requirements demanded by increasing quality such as cameras, computers, lighting and sets, funding to train volunteers and assistants and more.


These productions are our calling, and we feel the Lord has told us to reach out, to talk to people like you, to share what we are doing and boldly and confidently ask for help and support.

Our mission is Bible based, non-denominational, built on solid Christian principles and universally accepted Christian truth, with the purpose of leading adults and children to and encouraging them in their walk with Christ.

Please help us continue with a regular monthly gift. We are always available to talk if you need to get in contact.

You can be a regular supporter for £5 a month, and you will receive a personal telephone call thanking you for your support.

If you can support us with £25 a month, we will put your name on the home page of our website as a valued supporter, and we will telephone you to thank you for your help.

If you can support us with £50 a month, you will personally be mentioned in the next video we produce, and we will of course telephone to say thank you!

If you can support us with £100 a month, you will be listed in the credits of all our future productions as a valued supporter.

If you can support us with £500 a month, you will be named in the credits of all future productions as an executive producer.

If you would like to generously support our work, please click HERE to be taken to a page where you can buy a commitment to support our work.

If you would like to make a one-off gift or would like to discuss a larger investment, please contact us HERE.

Thank you so much for joining with us!

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Unsigned Christian singers songwriters wanted UK


We are in the process of beginning a new Christian production for Youtube and I'm looking for unsigned Christian artists to come and play on the show.  Our Christian music on Youtube all has between 10 and 125 thousand hits, and so represents a good opportunity for publicity and getting seen, as well as having a video to use for your own marketing.

You will travel to us in Stafford, UK, and must have a good quality recording of your ORIGINAL work.  We will then make a simple music video with you for use on our show and our channel.  This will in no way oblige you to us, except that you grant us permission to use the song.

Please send your music to us at for consideration.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Finding your niche and making money on Youtube

Making money on youtube tutorial 1:  Your niche.

I am qualified to share my knowledge with you as I have spent the last year running and importantly figuring the best practices for creating a successful channel.

If you follow this series of tutorials I guarantee you, you WILL get more views on your channel and make more money. Read carefully, do what I say, follow the instructions and be honest with yourself about your own productions.

This first lesson is about what you should consider before you even set out.

What do you love? What is your niche?

The reason I ask 'What do you love' is that you will not be able to maintain momentum with a cynical approach of how you can make money.

First of all you have to love your subject. It HAS to come from the heart, or it will just wither away and die like a plant with no roots. If it's not something you're passionate about, don't bother.

The second thing you need to consider about your niche is, what special information do you have to share about it? If you love puppets, are yours special and different? If not, make them so before you even start. If you are brilliant at fixing cars, what do you have that nobody else is doing on youtube...high quality close-up photography? Beginners guides? A phenomenal sense of humour that will have people coming back to you again and again? Think about it and plan it first.

Whatever your niche is, do your research and ensure you are not simply repeating what has already been done, or worse still, not even doing it as well.

Thirdly, make sure your niche isn't too narrow. For example, if you are passionate about wine, say Tempranillo, and you want to share you particular love of the history and techniques of production, you could make great videos but your audience will be very limited. By all means maintain that enthusiasm, but consider broadening your channel to cover all wines and alcohol, trends, histories, drinking culture, production methods and more. This way, you will be developing your own knowledge base and growing your reach as you go.

Fourth, look at what other people are doing. Find some videos on similar subjects, search especially for films that have done badly as well as films which have done well. Spend some time discerning the differences and making comparisons; this way you will have a good understanding of what your potential viewers are and are not looking for in a video on your chosen subject. Don't copy, but be inspired!

Fifth, this is tricky, and quite hard to swallow. At first at least, your viewers don't care about you, they are interested in the subject matter. Cater to them, and give them what they are looking for. SERVE your community. Before you become an international mega star, nobody particularly cares about what you had for lunch, what your mates said or whether your back is poorly. Who the hell are you? They are interested in the subject. Not you. Tough that. But there are a million vloggers out there gabbling away into webcams wondering why nobody is interested in their lives. Give your clients the content they are looking for.

If you struggle with this concept, employ a simple trick. In your mind or when you are scripting, avoid using ME or I as much as you possibly can, this will cause you to move the conversation away from yourself and back to the matter at hand.

Subscribe right now so you don't lose this channel, and I will upload more tutorials which will ensure you make the best possible channel you can, and make as much money possible from your Youtube videos. Oh yes, and please click like and share!

How much money will Youtube pay me for my videos?

How much money can you make putting your videos on Youtube?

I thought I'd share this information with you not because I have any profound insight, but because I found this simple information quite difficult to come by when I was first trying to make money with my Youtube videos.

I have been making a modest amount of money successfully for some time now, and I have a clearer picture of how it all averages out.  In one of my previous articles 'How much money can I make with my Youtube videos' I covered the basics correctly, but didn't have enough experience under my belt to see how it all averaged out over time so I may have given some figures which were somewhat optimistic.

I'll give it to you straight, I make about £1 (about $1.60) for every thousand views I get on my channel.  And there you have it.

It is possible to make more or less, depending how much advertisers bid for your space, and crucially whether the ads are relevant or interesting, making it more likely for people to watch or click them.  You'll sometimes see sharp spikes in income when a very cool new ad appears and lots of people watch it.

But that's about the size of it.  And i have heard tell that the cost per click goes down the more popular your video gets.  So you may get 3p per click when it's just getting a few thousand views, but that could go right down when it goes vira.

So to make a reasonable single young man's living of say £20,000 from Youtube you will need to get 20 million hits a year, and that's no mean feat.  Of course, before you get anywhere near that there are other ways of monetising your content which I will cover in later posts.  So it's not as impossible as it sounds...

Monday, 17 March 2014

How to make money on Youtube

How do I make serious money on Youtube, the basics.

This is a simple step-by-step guide to help you get up and running making money from your videos on Youtube.

It's a commonly asked question, so here are they key things you need to know before you start.

Making money on Youtube is initially about monetising your content.  There are other ways once you establish a fan base, but monetisation is what we're going to talk about.

Making money from your videos starts with partnering with Youtube and sharing the revenue generated by advertising placed over or before your videos.  You will either get paid every time somebody clicks on an ad or every time somebody watches a video ad played through before your own video begins.

The amount you earn depends entirely on how much advertisers bid for your ad space, which depends entirely what the competition is for your ad space.  I have been paid as little as 2 pence (about 3 cents) to as much as 8 pence per click/view.  The 8 pence was a one-off, it's usually 3-4 pence.

The first thing you will need to do is become a youtube partner.  You don't need anything special to get started, although there is no guarantee you will be accepted on the partner program.  Many more people are being accepted nowadays, and you shouldn't have a problem.

Star here to verify your channel and scroll to the bottom to learn about monetising:

You will need a Google Asense account.  Google own Youtube, and this is how you will be paid.  Get one here:

Be careful to make the application properly.  Never try to trick Google or Youtube, they are cleverer than you and it will bite you in the bum later.  Do it properly.  Adsense accounts are often refused.

A crucial step is to connect your Youtube and adsense accounts.  Many people wait months for the money to start appearing, as their content seems to be monetised...the two accounts MUST be connected or you will never see your money! Do it correctly just here:

Once you have this all setup, your videos will begin generating revenue.  Once your revenue hits the threshold, which is £60 in the UK, it will be deposited in your bank the following month.  There is no way of lowering the threshold.  It's tricky to hit that every month, without a committed, long-term and considered effort.

Here are several keys to help you run a successful youtube channel:

1: Your niche.  Don't begin a journey into creating content for youtube unless you are passionate about what you are doing.  The novelty will soon where off and the impetus to make a few pennies won't last long!  Do what you love.

2: Planning.  Work out which keywords you are going to try and strategise towards.  You can use this tool here to see what the search volume is like for keywords or phrases you are planning to capture an audience with:

3: Honesty.  Don't bother trying to trick the search algorithms to capture an audience.  There are a couple of reasons why this is a waste of time.  Firstly, if you don't have enough confidence in the quality of your videos to describe them properly, are they really worth watching?  Secondly, capturing the wrong audience who think they have found what they are looking for will harm your watch time.

4: Accuracy.  Taking the honesty thing further, if you describe your videos accurately then the viewer clicking on the link is more likely to have found what they wanted.  This means they are more likely to watch your film to the end.  Youtube uses 'audience retention' statistics to determine how high up to place your video in the search results.  The more people watch it to the end, the more visible it becomes.

5: Quality.  This is the be all and end all.  Youtube is full of billions of videos with very few views.  Capture your audiences interest immediately with clarity and skill.  Make sure that in those crucial first few senconds they have no doubt that they have found the video they want to watch.

6: Content.  Be original, be unique.  If you are seriously (seriously?) considering starting another minecraft channel, it's going to have to be phenomenal.  It's going to have to offer something about minecraft that nobody knew, presented in a way that is utterly irresistible, entertaining, fun and completely original.  Forget minecraft, the same can be said for ALL new channels.

7: Subscriptions.  Use annotations and end cards to encourage viewers to like and subscribe.  This is essential.  If you have a fan base who already like your stuff, they will be the first to watch it, they'll boost the audience retention stats and pump it up the search listings!

8: Do the Youtube Creator Academy course, and follow every step, even if you think it's dull or not really necessary for you.  It is.  Do it. Do it here:

9: Regularity and frequency.  Make sure your subscribers can trust you with regular, frequent high quality content.  Staying active regularly makes your site stand out to the search engines too, including google/youtube itself.

10:  Now there are no get rich quick tips, but this one might just come under 'nifty little secrets' that not many people know about, so here's a Youtube gold nugget for you: Tweak your video titles daily.  It's a drag, but my channel went from 800 views a day to 4,500 a day in two months by doing this, and I had less than fifty very 'niche' videos.

11:  Look at successful channels, see what they're doing and take tips.  Don't be put off by the big boys, aim high.

12. Don't bother hoping for a viral video, if it happens it happens, great, but focus on production of new stuff regularly.