Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Should we teach Creation in schools?

Sunday 22 June 2014

Should we teach Creation in schools?

Should we teach or ban Creation being taught in schools?

The banning of sharing ideas, discussing theories and exploring alternative ways of thinking in a school environment is shameful. Outlawing certain types of spiritual or religious thinking from being expressed by certain types of people in an educational environment is intellectually criminal. In the UK it is IMPOSSIBLE not to be utterly immersed in evolution theory from the very earliest age, and making it illegal to share alternatives in the state school system is a crime against free thought and an attack on what education and learning should stand for at its very heart. It's nothing less cynical than the state manipulation of the human mind, and represents everything which is offensive about how our governments 'govern'.

Click this image for a great article written by a non-creationist, non-evolutionist thinker.

A law against teaching creation is a religious value, very much so. And there is a huge amount of government funding in education and TV to promote those values which are nothing less than the perpetuation of pop-theology, I.e. no God, no spirituality. Unless we really believe that we are only taught 'truth' in school, which would put most subjects in serious jeopardy.

I always thought there was a reason we broke school days into classes...teaching on different subjects. If we agree strongly with a government which allows teachers and schools no freedom to teach anything outside what is officially sanctioned by that present government and its own agenda we may as well give up, roll over and deliver our children to the steps of the alter of corporate America and UK. There are plenty of pools outside schools, plenty of books and calculators, plenty of paintbrushes and art classes, churches, that is not the point.

From what we understand of the history and evolution of science, art, sport, philosophy, surely every lesson, including those on evolution and creation should simply begin with 'many people believe...' I am not aware that there are any schools in the UK which teach Creation as scientific fact, the change in law is far more subtly disturbing.

It all sounds so sensible, but it's stinks to high heaven like another high-end manipulation of the people by the super powerful and super rich who want us all to sit in our little boxes, watch TV, pay taxes and die. What better way to achieve that than to kill God in the vulnerable and developing minds of the young, or worse still, to kill any question of God in the minds of young people. It's spiritual murder, and at its worst may even be a conscious decision to raise a generation of unthinking, uneducated, spiritually dead people trapped in their mortal bodies. To what end? The same end as always: to function as a human factory farm which serves and feeds the rich unquestioningly. They've even got us believing that they're doing it for our own good, that the ancient wisdom is stupid and they're helping us into a new and better understanding of the world! AAAARRRGGGHHH! I don't know of any scholar who thought the Genesis account of Creation was an accurate scientific documentation of the creation process, but my goodness it's beautiful, my goodness it's full of poetry, art, wonder and love, and in fact in no way contradicts anything we know about the origins of life or the universe. The danger, and the only danger, is that it makes people think, gives them choices, freedom, options, opens them up to glorious potentials of a spiritual journey with a creative mastermind. Take those things away, by law, by law no less, and you take away the very essence of our freedom as spiritual, thoughtful, independent human beings. And somehow they've convinced us that's what we want!

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