Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Brand new free christian worship music video release from Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Brand new free christian worship music video release from Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson

Dear brothers and sisters,

I'm so pleased that I've had a little revelation regarding my Christian song-writing endeavours.  I hope it really blesses you too!  Ellie and I have been challenged just lately about how we should be devoting our time to working for the kingdom of God and blessing others with the gifts God has given us.

God seems to be telling us quite clearly that if we're working for Him and we're in His will we shouldn't be constantly stressing about money.  I have a lot to say on the subject, but that may be for another blog.  But the thing is, it's really difficult to get to that breakthrough part of the Christian walk where you say to God, from your heart, 'My greatest blessing is to serve you Lord.'

And we have to serve Him unconditionally, and that includes Him NOT giving us what we want, as well as giving us what we think we need!

The truest blessings to be had in this life are those that come when we can really let go of our own desires and allow God to have His way.  And I know this much, that's no sacrifice, because God's way is so much better than ours!

Anyway, I'm getting off the point a little here.  I made my recent album Stars Like Needles, which you can purchase by clicking the link at the top of this page, and immediately began to stress about how to get people to buy it, how to get a record deal, how to get on iTunes and all those things which didn't really connect with my initial purposes in producing the album; which were to use my gifts in service of God and to bless others.

And the answer which God gave me was very surprising and very liberating, 'Give it away!'  What's the point in making something for people and then holding it all in so they have to prize it out of me?  It's meant to be a gift from God to His people, through me!

How freeing and how beautiful that felt, to know I am working for God in the way He intends, and blessing others in a way that blesses me so deeply.

So what I will be doing from now on is producing my songs and making videos for them, and making them freely available on Youtube.


Of course you can still buy the CD if you want it for the car or for a gift, then that's a lovely way you can bless me.  But I am no longer worrying about getting money out of my Christian brothers and sisters who I just want to bless, I know God will provide if I am serving Him.

Now, isn't it wonderful when God gives you peace and confirmation on something?  After Ellie and I prayed about this yesterday, Ellie walked around the house saying thank you top God for all the ways He has blessed us. I once again listened to Him and put into action what I felt He was saying to me.  You see I admit it, we are very poor compared to most people in our country, so we end up praying about money all the time.

I could just imagine Jesus hanging there on the cross saying 'Haven't I done enough?  How much more do you want?'

And so letting go and trusting the Lord once again yesterday was incredibly liberating.  And so often have Ellie and I seen remarkable blessings like this that we were hardly surprised, first thing this morning we had a tax rebate for an amount of money which very closely matched the value of some specific items we needed and couldn't afford, and had been whining and moaning to God about.

Also, after months of not understanding what on earth was going on, my Google Adwords account has come to life and enabled me to gain revenue from advertising on my videos and my blog, TODAY that happened, so my fans who can't afford a CD will always be able to hear my music!

Lord Jesus, you are AMAZING!

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