Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: New British worship music Video.

Friday, 30 November 2012

New British worship music Video.

Lord, I miss you.  I want to spend some time with you, it's one of those days.

Those are the opening lines to one of my most recent songs, which is aptly named 'One of those days.'  It's one of my more mournful and melancholy pieces, and quite unusual for something which I personally would still class as 'worship'.

This is music produced on a Packard Bell laptop with 4 GB processing power and an Alesis Q49 midi keyboard, which you may know is very bare bones equipment!  The sequencing software and instruments I used came from the fantastic Ableton Live, my version is the Ableton Live 8, an 8 track piece of software which is limited to 8 tracks and six effects, so I am forced not to over-produce any of my music when I work on this kind of budget.

Have a listen:

I want to write Christian music that people can relate to and connect with, which talks to them about their real lives and their circumstances.

Worship music usually has quite a specific purpose, which is to facilitate us lifting praises up to the throne of God, and to grease the wheels of our worship with positive, edifying and encouraging statements of truth and scripture.  Well, I can't knock that, it's wonderful.  Some of my favourite music ever is just that, worship.

But that's not all I wanted to do.  I wanted to sing truthfully about my Christian walk, and in some respects that works best when I'm true to my heart as a storyteller.

It's funny, I've been told on a couple of occasions that I have a particular gifting for telling stories, and I can remember as a child of eight or ten knowing that I wanted children because I wanted to read them stories.  I think that comes from a decent place inside me, because when I try and connect with that feeling it's about the desire to fill people up with goodness, to bless them.

This is not my own holiness we're talking about here, this is just me being touched by the love of God and wanting to share it.  I'm working on something now which isn't a gospel preach, but is just a story for the sake of a story, something for fun and laughter, and hopefully when people have watched it they'll go away feeling they've been given something which was worth having.

It seems that in order to feed the family it is wise to produce some things with mass appeal.

And of course what that then enables me to do is invest energy and resources into things I wouldn't be able to do otherwise, such as Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew, and my Christian music.

So this song is a labour of love.  Not a preach, but just a deep yearning, and an expression of the overwhelming need for God.  During my life I have been touched profoundly by God on so many occasions, thank you Lord Jesus, that it's very easy to present an image of somebody who has it all sorted, who never struggles, never sins and pushes God away, never prays and feels empty.

This song is an admission of the kind of normal experiences that real, spirit-filled Christians will likely have in their walk with the Lord.  It's a song I wrote so we would all know we weren't alone.  And God moves away from us just so that we would do exactly what this song does, cry out to Him, miss Him, pine to be with Him and go after Him.

And for anybody who's wondering, there have been some very beautiful moments with God since I wrote this song on a sad lonely day in the cold autumn countryside.  Most recently today.  He will never leave you, He will only ever call out to you from a distance.

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