Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: March 2013

Monday, 25 March 2013

Christian worship songs

Dear lovely people,

A brand new release Christian worship song for you today, fresh from the UK.
This lovely passionate song is all about sharing God's love with joy and celebration, and not keeping it all to yourself. 'You're not a motionless reservoir, you're God's waterfall!'

Let's celebrate God's love together today and 'Give it away!'

Make sure you take the opportunity to share this lovely new song with your friends and family on your blogs, Facebook etc.

I really hope it blesses you all. God bless, Joe. xxx

Monday, 18 March 2013

Free Christian Worship Song Music

Check out the crazy keyboard solo, I dare you!

You know what?  I'm just gonna say it, this Christian worship song is not easy to like!  It's a real Marmite song.  I absolutely love it, it's one of my favourites and the keyboard gives me goosebumps.  But contrarily, my wife wants to punch me in the face whenever I play it.

So there is a danger of involuntary violent angst.

Well good!  I want my music to cause a strong emotional response!  Let's try to draw the line at actual GBH though shall we?

The words are very meaningful to me, and it's a real celebration of a Christian worship song, all about having discovered the real worth of Jesus.  Enjoy! Or not...

Thursday, 14 March 2013

New Christian Worship Song

This is a brand new Christian Worship song video release, a never before heard song especially for the lovers of the Lord Jesus on the interweb!

It's a song about growing up, and realising what's important in life.  That the real treasure is a good relationship with God!

Have a look, and enjoy!  Copyright Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson 2013, all rights reserved.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Science versus Religion

Science versus Religion...
And the winner is...neither.

Firstly, let's have both sides climb down from the imaginary intellectual and moral high-ground respectively. We both just end up sounding like der brains.  Der brains with flashy toys that make us think we've invented life or der brains who can just cry 'Anti-Christ' every time there's something we feel threatens our understanding of our religion.


Let's establish a couple of great key points to start our new journey of understanding from.

Science-types: You will never convince a believer that there is no God by showing him your new big equation that doesn't have a number for God and appears to work any way, not gonna happen so just take your broads, your strings and your Haricot Verts, pop them in a little bowl and stick them in your general purpose lab fridge.  What I'm saying here is chill your beans.

God Squad: Threatening an intelligent, analytical human being who seeks evidence, proof and logic with fire and torment from what sounds like some sort of fantasy from a fairy tail will probably lend you as much credibility as attempting to engage an Italian in conversation by just adding 'io' to the end of every word and wondering why they don't know what on earth you're on about and think you're a bit of a nob.

There is one simple fact that we all need to accommodate in our thinking as Chrsitians:  If and when science has crystal clarity and has finally figured out everything that it wanted to know, there will be no conflict, it's God's universe.  Truth is truth.  Unless you're worried that if they keep on discovering it'll turn out that God is not there after all?  Is that why we're feeling a little insecure?  Take heart, God will never disappear in a puff of logic, but we must always be prepared to accept who He really is, and not cling to what we hoped He would be or thought He was.  If you think you've got God figured out and need Him to just stay still, well that's a pretty dead faith isn't it? God, Scripture and Christ are cosmically awesome, and don't need to be pinned down by us.

There is another simple fact which we would all do well to accommodate as scientists and analytical thinkers:  There is a notion that where science leads, those of faith drag behind kicking and screaming against obvious truths.  This is false.  Numerous people throughout history believed or postulated that the earth was round, some were Christians, some lovers of science, but importantly there were always scientists who believed it was flat at the turning point of scientific understanding, and many more than would have thought it round, the majority at various points in history.  Fact.  The notion that the cutting edge of scientific discovery represents any sort of perpetual new era at any given time should be treated with much caution.  If history teaches us anything about science it's that we never know everything we think we know, we've never completely cracked it and there's always something else to discover.  Those not available to possibilities and maybes should not be scientists, but hard-line radical preachers.

To conclude this ridiculously brief blurt, consider this.  We have two apparently opposing points of view, one with creator and one without.  At the heart of the matter, there is no way in which either party fully understands that we, this universe and the incredible intelligent beings in it could possibly be here.  And yet here we are.  Creator or no Creator?  One is no more ridiculous than the other, both options are mind boggling, amazing,  phenomenal, ridiculous and requiring some level of wacky thinking to accommodate.

And if you're a Christian, then you at least should understand that at the end of it all science and religion are one and the same thing.  Not now sure, but in the end.

Personally, I'm a hard-core Bible bashing Jesus freak through and through, but as such I should be a lover of truth, whether it suits me or not, as should anybody saying the are a science type.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Working with Christian Businesses

This is just a little aside, but there are some people who, if given the chance would rather work with a Christian business where possible.  This can of course present it's own unique set of challenges, but perhaps it's worth persevering with.

I'm sure there's an argument both ways, perhaps as Christians we should be looking out into the world and try to avoid being insular altogether, letting our light shine so to speak.  That's a fair point.   But one might also argue that community and fellowship are crucial to the Christian life, and opportunities for such should be nurtured wherever possible.

I'm comfortable that there is a middle ground.  Perhaps when we make a choice as to which business to hire or work with as Christians we may draw several points together for balanced consideration.  Quality, value, desire to encourage and support...

As long as we're aware of the potential dangers of the choices we face to lead us into being people we may not choose to be.  It might be very good to say 'I like to encourage Christians...' fair enough.  Could that fan into flame an unrelated, unhelpful little spark; 'I only use Christians.'? Sounds like the same thing but is actually coming from a very different place, that's not about love, community and caring, that's about exclusion, fear and judgement.  So we must be very careful.

How quickly might we then say 'I don't use people of other faiths?'  Unless we allow God in to judge the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts Christians can and do end up doing very much the wrong things for what seem on the surface to be the right reasons.

With that in mind, if you feel you can support a Christian business from a good heart then try these;

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

How to make the perfect paper plane.

How to make a perfect paper plane. 

A surprise win for our Christian kids' TV show Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew.  It seems that for all the videos we're putting on Youtube from the show, the two types which are the most successful are firstly the songs, and then secondly the Arty-Crafty Time slot!

That's great, I'm comfortable with that.  We've even had feedback from people talking to us about how their kids have engaged with the show and tried out some of the arts and crafts.

They were designed to be very simple and straightforward  for the most part crafts that the kids would be able to do without any adult help at all with the exception perhaps of younger ones needing help with scissors.

Anyway, have a look at this paper craft video which shows you how to make what I think is the best paper plane.  You will have more success with the glide if you make the wings wider, but for the show and demonstrating the folds in the paper on TV I needed to have the wing fold match up with the bottom of the fuselage.  Give it a go and let us know how your flew!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

New Christian Worship Video

Hello to all my viewers today in the world-o-sphere!

I have spent yesterday filming and editing a new worship video for your delight and delectation, and I hope you enjoy it!  It's close to my heart this one, as it speaks all about how Jesus sometimes becomes the most visible when we are in our most desperate state.

What I mean by that is that the power of the gospel is found in our need for it, and Gods amazing grace is revealed in our weakness.  Of course Jesus came to save sinners, not the righteous, and so sometimes when we slip and stumble, the love of God and His wonderful forgiveness can be all the more vivid.

The song tells of beautiful good intentions, the desire never to sleep as a metaphor for our relationship with God, and the sincere wish to be in constant perfect communion with Christ, whilst confessing to a reality of failures in which Jesus shows us all too clearly that our righteousness is not our own, but His.

I really hope you enjoy this song today, and do be sure to share it on your website and Facebook etc.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Christian kids songs site.

If you ever lose my thread, or have forgotten to bookmark the site for example, then you can always find your way back home by visiting . It's just a one page site that will help you find your way back to our Youtube clips. It's easy to remember eh?

Christian kids songs .info.  Who could ever forget that?

Comments on Christian kids' TV, Worship and kids' songs.

Just a great big thank you for all your lovely comments.

In a world of internet trolling and silly people saying naughty things on-line, it's very encouraging to note that the vast majority of comments we're getting for our work is positive and genuine.

I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage YOU to comment more.  We are not a very large team, and we don't have a huge audience.  We're also quite unusual in that our primary motivation for producing Christian worship music, Christian kids' songs and Christian kids' TV isn't to make money.  Of course we hope that there will be income from it, but first we do it for love.

So your input means the world to us.  I suppose I'm as guilty as anybody, it's not often that I comment on videos I've seen on-line, even if I've thought it was wonderful.  I reckon we're used to thinking there is a kind of distance between us and the producers, which is far more true of traditional television and music than it is of Youtube and websites like this one for example.

So please, do comment, it really spurs us on and we read and reply to every genuine one.  And don't forget to subscribe right here!