Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Working with Christian Businesses

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Working with Christian Businesses

This is just a little aside, but there are some people who, if given the chance would rather work with a Christian business where possible.  This can of course present it's own unique set of challenges, but perhaps it's worth persevering with.

I'm sure there's an argument both ways, perhaps as Christians we should be looking out into the world and try to avoid being insular altogether, letting our light shine so to speak.  That's a fair point.   But one might also argue that community and fellowship are crucial to the Christian life, and opportunities for such should be nurtured wherever possible.

I'm comfortable that there is a middle ground.  Perhaps when we make a choice as to which business to hire or work with as Christians we may draw several points together for balanced consideration.  Quality, value, desire to encourage and support...

As long as we're aware of the potential dangers of the choices we face to lead us into being people we may not choose to be.  It might be very good to say 'I like to encourage Christians...' fair enough.  Could that fan into flame an unrelated, unhelpful little spark; 'I only use Christians.'? Sounds like the same thing but is actually coming from a very different place, that's not about love, community and caring, that's about exclusion, fear and judgement.  So we must be very careful.

How quickly might we then say 'I don't use people of other faiths?'  Unless we allow God in to judge the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts Christians can and do end up doing very much the wrong things for what seem on the surface to be the right reasons.

With that in mind, if you feel you can support a Christian business from a good heart then try these;

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