Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Comments on Christian kids' TV, Worship and kids' songs.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Comments on Christian kids' TV, Worship and kids' songs.

Just a great big thank you for all your lovely comments.

In a world of internet trolling and silly people saying naughty things on-line, it's very encouraging to note that the vast majority of comments we're getting for our work is positive and genuine.

I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage YOU to comment more.  We are not a very large team, and we don't have a huge audience.  We're also quite unusual in that our primary motivation for producing Christian worship music, Christian kids' songs and Christian kids' TV isn't to make money.  Of course we hope that there will be income from it, but first we do it for love.

So your input means the world to us.  I suppose I'm as guilty as anybody, it's not often that I comment on videos I've seen on-line, even if I've thought it was wonderful.  I reckon we're used to thinking there is a kind of distance between us and the producers, which is far more true of traditional television and music than it is of Youtube and websites like this one for example.

So please, do comment, it really spurs us on and we read and reply to every genuine one.  And don't forget to subscribe right here!

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