Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: Fun kids activity about making straight paths

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Fun kids activity about making straight paths

Proverbs 10:9: Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.

Anyone familiar with the show will know that Mr Bon-Hovis gets himself into all manner of difficulties walking the crooked path! Here's a great fun activity for today that your kids will love, and offers a great opportunity to discuss how walking the crooked path is difficult and pointless, and you will get caught out eventually!

kids activity

So, find the longest and narrowest part of your home or building, and using masking tape, set up strips going accross from one wall to the other, all at different heights and angles.

You're going to have a little game of chase using the classic 'dodge the lasers' movie theme.

The child will be trying to escape from the truth (played by you) but isn't allowed to take down any of the tape.

At first, you can move very slowly, so the child has a chance of getting the through, but then put the tape back up and try again and again, with you (truth) moving faster until there's no way the child can escape without getting tangled in the web!

Write on the tape things like lies, stealing, anger, deceit, meanness, so they all represent behaviour we'd like to avoid.

Such fun SUCH FUN! Why not send us pictures of your webs?
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