Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: The Minister's Cat game rules

Thursday, 25 April 2013

The Minister's Cat game rules

Sharing with your children is going to be a piece of cake today!  I'm not going to have you dancing, cutting, painting, mixing, baking or glueing!

Here's a classic game you may well know by another name, but we call it The Minister's Cat.

All you need is you and a child, or children.  The game is simple. Working through the alphabet, you take turns describing the personality traits of the wonderfully exotic 'Minister's Cat', in any way you choose, inventing as you go along.

The tricky part comes as you move through the alphabet; on each turn you have to remember and say the previous adjectives.

For example, player one may say:
'The Minister's Cat was annoying.'

Player two would then say:
'The Minister's Cat was annoying and brave.'

Player three may say:
'The Minister's Cat was annoying, brave and captivating.'

And so on!

If you are playing with more than one person, players drop out when they fail to remember the sequence correctly.  A two player game is simply lost by the person who forgets first!  It's a lot of fun, and can get very challenging.

Why not take this as an opportunity to talk with your kids about positive and negative behaviours, personality traits and choices?  Why not play two different kinds of cat, a real rotter and one which displays the characteristics of a good Christian?

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