Joseph Cheetham-Wilkinson: How to make a kids kite that actually flies.

Monday, 22 April 2013

How to make a kids kite that actually flies.


I've loved flying toys since I was very small. In fact, one of the Arty Crafty Time slots on the show covers how to make the perfect paper plane!

Often I find myself feeling so sorry for kids coming out of school or nursery with 'kites" they've made which never actually stood any chance of getting airborne! How often have you seen it? The poor little tackers belting around the playground full of hope, string in hand, as the sorry little 'kite" skittles and flaps along on the ground behind them. My heart really goes out to them!

kids kite

So today, let's cover a few simple rules to ensure you can make easy kites which actually stand a chance of lifting, even though it's only the length of a bendy straw!

It should be fairly easy to work from the simple diagram.

1: Using bendy straws will mean you can create the ESSENTIAL boat shape, which will give the kite balance in the wind.
2: Notice that the tissue will be facing you, when the kite is in the air the straws will be hidden BEHIND the tissue.
3: Use thin light cotton, not string!
4: A tail is essential, cut a 30 or 40 cm tail from the same tissue you used for the kite.
5: As per the diagram, the lead cotton length will need to be a little shorter than the rear length.
6: Use a thin, light craft tissue.
7: Keep the tissue as wrinkle free as possible, if you are very crafty cut a tiny thin dart or sliver along the rear spar to gather in excess loose tissue, and glue closed.

It really should be as simple as that. The most important things are the concave shape, the lightness of the tissue, the cotton thread, the tail on the kite and the point at which the main line joins the front and rear thread. You may need to attempt a few different lengths to get it right.

Using felt pens, follow the cross of the drinking straws to make a Christian cross motif on the kite! Talk to your children about being bold in sharing the love of Jesus and talking about him. Talk about how celebrating Jesus openly is like flying a kite all the time with his cross stamped on it!

Send us in your pics of your kite!

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